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Mulukh Farm Agri Tourism-08048067822

About us

Mulukh Farm is the best place for you near Pune & Mumbai.Mulukh (vaavar) is the farm Resort place which naturally formed for the Agri tourism near to just 40km distance from Pune Smart City, Mulukh Vaavar will gives you the experience of your childhood memories with farm, Crops, Farmfood, Farm Sta...

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It's a wonderful spot for picnic n specially 1 day stay is must. Very mind relaxing climate. All possible facilites are Provided by them. Owner n all staffs are very polite n helpful in nature. Food was Very delicious n hurda party also main attraction. Farm visit n Bullock cart ride experience was nice. It's a best place to visit for all age groups. They have considered Everyone's needs. Well maintained farm house specially for natural photo shoots. We have enjoyed a lot. Thank you to Mulukh farm.

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The place is very nice. Loved the food and Hurda. We will definately visit again and again here. Owner's family is very generous and so nice to be here. Value for money. The ambience is very much enjoyable. We had to extend our stay because of the comfortable and helpful staff. Nature is very good.Its like staying at own farm house. THANK you MUCH.

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beta amras party and hurda party destination mulukh farm

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A decent spot to go with Family get-together and one day picnic... to just loosen up away from home.. great village activities such ad bullock cart ride, tractor ride, farm tour.. or on the other hand take a speedy swim... Relaxing! Very nature friendly place just to relax in open green surrounding.. Treat for Maharashtrian village rustic food...and packages are also very affordable...

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